Embassy of the Netherlands in Sweden

Vi finns i monter C02:43

Nederländerna och de nordiska länderna har höga ambitioner för att mildra klimatförändringarna, sträva mot ett fossilfritt samhälle och övergå till en mer hållbar och cirkulär värld.

Ta reda på vad Nederländerna kan erbjuda när det gäller smarta lösningar för att möta globala utmaningar som är kopplade till bygg- och fastighetssektorn. Låt oss samarbeta mer och bidra till bättre lösningar som vi alla kan dra nytta av.

Kom och besök oss i Netherlands Business Lounge (C02:43) och träffa innovativa nederländska företag som fokuserar på cirkulära och hållbara tätskikt, AI-drivna applikationer för bearbetning av byggritningar och planlösningar, energibesparande duschar och monteringslösningar för solcellspaneler.

Nederländerna ligger också i framkant när det gäller lösningar för smart energihantering, programvara för att göra bostadsmarknaden transparent samt hållbart byggmaterial gjorda av 100% återvunnen plast.

Andra exempel är PCM (Phase Change Material) för energilagring, prefabricerat byggmaterial, dagsljuslösningar, samt en digital plattform för dokumentation av ingående material i en byggnad för att underlätta återanvändning.

I Nederländernas Business Lounge finns dessutom företag som erbjuder innovativ byggteknik och programvara, samt fönster och dörrar för modulärt byggande.

Nyfiken på vad Nederländerna har att erbjuda? Välkommen till Nederländerna på Nordbygg! Vi sätter dig i kontakt med nya spännande partners!
Hitta oss på kartan


  • Energi
  • Badrum
  • Betong
  • Byggsystem
  • Dörrar och fönster
  • Fastighetsautomation
  • IT
  • Miljö
  • Plåt, Stål & Byggsystem
  • Solteknik
  • Tak & Fasad
  • Tjänster
  • VVS
  • Övrigt
  • Övrigt Byggmaterial
  • Vitvaror


  • C2CA Technology BV

    C2CA Technology BV 100% circular concrete Länk till produkten »

  • Coders Co Coders Co., a company established by seasoned professionals with academic backgrounds, specializes in AI and coding. Our primary focus is leveraging technology to contribute to sustainability and facilitate the green transition.
    One of our flagship applications, PDF2GIS, revolutionizes the conversion of floorplans and construction drawings into detailed 3D models of buildings. This innovative tool holds immense potential for various sectors, including municipalities and housing corporations, enabling them to transform their archives into invaluable repositories of detailed building information.

    PDF2GIS can be instrumental in modeling and enhancing the energy efficiency of structures. By providing comprehensive insights into the composition of buildings, including materials used, it can become an indispensable asset in promoting circular construction practices. Länk till produkten »

  • Construction & Display BV

    Construction & Display BV Prefab building materials and daylight solutions Länk till produkten »

  • Hamwells

    Hamwells At Hamwells we create shower systems that help make showering as sustainable as possible. We strive for the best quality. Besides sustainability, comfort is one of our biggest priorities.

    Our Blue is a Waste Water Heat Recovery (WWHR) system that reuses the residual heat in the shower waste water. It does so with up to 72.5%. This results in a lower utility bill immediately. Other benefits are:

    - lower CO2 emissions
    - lower peak demand on internal installation and national grid
    - better nZEB compliance
    - can be installed on a single floor eg apartments, bungalows, town houses, sporting facilities, hotels etc Länk till produkten »

  • Janson Bridging

    Janson Bridging Janson Bridging är experter på trafiklösningar med prefabricerade modulära broar, pontoner och färjelägen för såväl civilt som militärt bruk. Länk till produkten »

  • Leadax

    Leadax The revolutionary sustainable roofing and lead replacement

    Leadax is an Award-winning Dutch SME with a working & sustainable business model in the circular economy. Leadax uses high-tech material & production knowledge for developing and manufacturing 100% circular materials out of waste for waterproofing buildings, such as flat roofing, flashing and waterproofing basements. Leadax operates on a global scale and is ready to accelerate its impact. Come to the Dutch pavilion and explore how we combine circularity and profitability in construction by using circular waterproofing products. Länk till produkten »

  • Luxxor

    Luxxor Luxxor is a developer and distributor of circular sustainable warm water concepts. We cooperate with EU suppliers to ensure product quality and innovation over the supply chain.
    Warm water is a growing share in the amount of energy used in buildings and is, in well isolated buildings, responsible for up to 50% of the heat demand. In countries were gas/oil was the main energy source for the shower, the transfer to all-e pressurizes building space and the electricity grid. We have concepts for every shower (for example houses, hotels, sport facilities and hospitals)
    The current Luxxor product range, reduces the heat demand and along with smart storage improves the sustainability:
    • Drain water Heat Recovery
    • Warm water batteries
    • Stainless Steel storage tanks
    Luxxor is continuously searching for new products and concepts to reduce the (shower)energy demand and our CO2 footprint. Our mission is to make sustainable warm water available for everyone. Länk till produkten »

  • Madaster Online registry for recording all materials and products that are incorporated in a real estate or infrastructure object. Länk till produkten »

  • Plugwise

    Plugwise Smart Energy Managment Länk till produkten »

  • Pluss Advanced Technologies

    Pluss Advanced Technologies PCM (Phase Change Material) for thermal storage of energy Länk till produkten »

  • Pretty Plastic

    Pretty Plastic Pretty Plastic designs and produces sustainable building materials, made from 100% recycled PVC sourced from plastic window frames, downspouts, and rain gutters. Our tiles demonstrate how waste can be transformed into beautiful products.
    Our product portfolio consists of three different tiles, available in four colours: grey, green, ochre, and terracotta.
    Our façade and roof cladding are used in private residences, utility projects, and high-rises. They are suitable for modular buildings and prefabrication.
    Our tiles are easily detachable and fully recyclable after use, creating a circular product and reducing environmental impact for construction waste.
    The Pretty Plastic façade and roof tiles are certified according to international standards and are installed in projects all over the world. Länk till produkten »

  • Priva's Lab for Innovation

    Priva's Lab for Innovation Innovative building technologies and software that lead the way to better, healthier buildings and smarter approaches to energy use and decarbonization. Länk till produkten »

  • Rable Group BV

    Rable Group BV Mounting structures for solar panel installations Länk till produkten »

  • Realstats BV

    Realstats BV Realstats is a specialist in the real estate industry and the number one in rental data. With a team of data experts, we provide the most reliable datasets and comprehensive analyses of the housing market.

    Our mission is to enhance transparency within the housing market, fostering better alignment between supply and demand. Through the analysis of trends and developments in the housing market, we assist government bodies and market players in making informed decisions, effectively mitigating risks, and capitalizing on opportunities. Länk till produkten »

  • Wezenberg Trading BV

    Wezenberg Trading BV Windows and Doors for modular construction Länk till produkten »



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Embassy of the Netherlands in Sweden

Götgatan 16 A 118 46  Stockholm Sverige