Launching Fastighetsenergi 2023 – a new arena for future-proof buildings
The energy issue and optimized systems are central to the value of a property. To minimize loss and find the smartest solutions can be crucial. Stockholmsmässan, in cooperation with the Installation companies, is therefore inviting you to a meeting between Sweden’s installators, innovators, decision-makers, technology consultants and property owners.
On April 25, 2023, we will be arranging Fastighetsenergi 2023 (Property energy) – the arena for future-proof buildings at Stockholmsmässan.
– We know that the exchange of knowledge is important to be able to make the right energy-related decision, which will improve the economy and performance of properties. More than ever, energy in properties is a social issue that touches everyone, from policy to private individuals. During one day, we will therefore gather Sweden’s foremost experts and innovators in this field, explains Lina Hann, Project Manager at Fastighetsenergi 2023.
The arena will offer the opportunity to make new contacts and acquire knowledge and has a programme that covers four important areas in property energy.
A day packed with content
The first block of the day will handle financing and how certifications, consumption and optimizing energy will affect the financing potential and the value of the properties. The latest innovations and how they can contribute to reduced wastage and increased control has its own block. Participants will also be updated on the latest regulations and the day will close with a lecture on how partnership can create more value.
The Installation companies are getting involved
The Installation companies are co-organisers with Stockholmsmässan. They are engaged and want to contribute to all the values that are created in the meeting between suppliers and property owners.
– Sweden will halve the emissions of greenhouse gases by 2030. Many of the solutions are already available today, where the installation industry is a big piece of the puzzle of the green transition. As the representative of the installators of the country, it is natural for the Installation companies to get involved and highlight the big opportunities that installators can contribute through modern technology, says Hans Nyblom, Head of Business Development at the Installation companies.
The ambition of the organisers is that visitors will come from the meeting and feel updated on which opportunities there are when it comes to the energy optimizing of properties and the consequences in behaviour, technology and economy.
Time and place for Fastighetsenergi 2023: April 25, 2023, Stockholmsmässan
For more information on the programme:
1. Financing: increasing the property’s value through energy investments
Certifications, consumption and optimizing energy affects the financing potential and property value more than ever. We meet the experts, who know how you make yourself more attractive to banks, investors and tenants and thereby increase your revenue.
2. Innovations: reduce wastage and increase control
Smart technology can bring lowered property costs and secure the operation. Here, you can take part of the latest development and get tips on how to prioritise and what you have to consider before an investment.
3. Regulations: directives, standards and laws you have to know about
We find out what is coming in policy and the latest energy decisions which will affect the property’s system. We’ll screen requirements, but also possibilities, in energy aid, climate declarations, EU directives and LoU (The Public Procurement Act).
4. Partnership: create more value together
For digital systems to work well together, people also have to work well together. Learn more about customer behaviour, cooperation, how relationships can be advantageous and how you can create something with others that you all will gain from.